As any parent of pre-school children will surely know, Peppa Pig is more than just a cartoon. Our clients love it a lot and they designed the Peppa Pig into marble flooring which accompany them at home. I'm showing photos for peppa pig marble waterjet medallion cut at our workshop. Gani Stone have finished a private villa project with marble flooring, pillars, basins, bathtub, mosaic and waterjet medallions. The owner and their children are fans for Peppa Pig cartoon. After the cutting is finished and we got them assembled, we're amused by the design, hope you like it too!
Contact: Amber
Phone: 008617750596097
Tel: 00865927616505
Company: Gani Stone Co.,LTD
Add: #A1411, NO.802 Yuanshan South Road, Huli, Xiamen, China (361006)